Volcan Mountain Foundation

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San Diego County, California

Auction Bidding: "Casitas Las Brisas" Nosara, Costa Rica Apartment

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You are bidding on 7 nights lodging for 2 people at "Casitas Las Brisas" apartment in Nosara, Costa Rica.  Bidding is available now online, and on Sunday March 26th at the VMF Dinner Dance and Auction.  Get your tickets and bid live to ensure your win!

Description: Seven nights lodging for two at "Casitas Las Brisas", a Pacific Ocean-view apartment located near the famous surfing beach and fishing village of Nosara, Costa Rica. Nosara, with its spectacular white sand beach, warm ocean water (80 to 85 degrees year-round) and lush forests, has become a popular world-class destination for honeymoons, surfing lessons and yoga instruction. Not available December 15th, 2017, through January 15th, 2018(peak season). Donated by Jay Evarts & Susan Aurand. Expires 3/30/2018
Value: $1,500
Proceeds Benefit: The Volcan Mountain Foundation
Bidding Deadline: Early online bidding closes 5pm, Friday, March 17, 2017;  In-person bidding at the VMF Dinner Dance and Auction closes at the event, Sunday, March 26, 2017
Terms: - Winning bidder is responsible for payment at the Volcan Mountain Foundation offices by Tuesday, March 28th, 2017.
Bid Date Time Bidder
Opening $650