Volcan Mountain Foundation

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San Diego County, California

Energy Project Position Notice

Adopted by Volcan Mountain Foundation Board of Directors

March, 2021

STATEMENT OF PRINCIPLE: The Volcan Mountain Foundation (VMF), a nonprofit foundation, supports renewable energy production, which provide electricity with low carbon dioxide emissions. It takes a position opposing large-scale solar and wind energy project within its Focus Planning Area (FPA), while encouraging small residential installations as well as large-scale projects in other areas with low conservation value. To ensure that its position is clear, VMF has adopted the following specific guidelines for energy project development:

Large-Scale Development: The VMF will actively oppose any large-scale development within its FPA, including industrial-size alternative energy projects.

Small-Scale Private Implementation: The VMF is not opposed to landowners installing small-scale solar or wind power projects on private property within the FPA to meet the needs of the owner.

The mission of the VMF is to preserve the Volcan Mountain Range in its natural state for all generations.  Our mission thereby precludes any industrial-size alternative energy projects within our FPA.